Margarida Girão
I’ve always been drawn to arts and communication, guided by humanitarian and justice-driven values. My expertise in collage – something I’ve been passionate about since the age of 10 – has been applied across editorial and commercial illustration, workshops, events, and small-scale community identity projects.
In addition to my collage work, I lead A NEW DAY, a creative studio developed in collaboration with friends and agencies, where we integrate design, communication, and bold creative direction to develop meaningful and impactful projects.
Sempre fui motivada pelas artes e pela comunicação, guiada por valores humanitários e voltados para a justiça. A minha paixão pela colagem começou aos 10 anos e, desde então, tem sido aplicada em ilustração editorial e comercial, workshops, eventos e projetos de identidade comunitária.
Para além do meu trabalho com colagem, sou responsável pelo estúdio criativo A NEW DAY, desenvolvido em colaboração com amigos e agências, onde integramos design, comunicação e uma direção criativa arrojada para desenvolver projetos significativos e impactantes.

One of my first collages, created for a school work, 1988/89.
BSTC (hons) in Digital & Multimedia Communication, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain.
Women Entrepreneurship Program
Mentee at Women Win Win, a year-long business mentoring program focused on management skills, strategy development, and enhancing planning and prioritization.
East Timor National University
I taught Web Design at the National University of East Timor, Dili, as part of the international program of the Federation of Portuguese Universities.
“Sometimes I am famous”
i newspaper (PT)
Computer Arts (PT)
Umbigo (PT)
Web Design Index book (NL)
W.E.B. magazine (KR)
Digital Arts (UK)
Briefing (PT)
Número (PT)
Exame Informática (PT)
Goon (GE)
Público (PT)
Máxima (PT)
Máxima Interiores (PT)
Creative Mornings, 2018
Ladies Wine Design Lisbon, 2017
Ladies Wine Design Aveiro, 2016
Pecha Kucha Night Lisbon, 2015
Antena 1 – “Mais Novos do que Nunca”
RDP Internacional
Antena 3
Antena 2
RTP 2 “2010”
SIC Radical “Curto Circuito”
Sic Mulher
Visão (PT)
Lisbon by Light (FR)
Gang do Pé Preto (PT)
Culture Trip (UK)
Trendland (USA)
Tumblr (PT)
Mutante magazine (PT)
P3 (PT)